Building an Innovation Performance Framework With UNSW's Future Minds Lab

Why Innovation Performance?

There is a tangible gap between our appetite for innovation and our ability to deliver it, and it’s hurting us: in the past 3 years Australia has slipped from 17th to 20th in the Global Innovation Index ranking on R&D spend.


We live in an increasingly complex and uncertain world, and leaders frequently react to that uncertainty by seeking to eliminate all ambiguity, installing slow, risk-averse processes and silo-ising innovation. After all, CEOs only have an average of 5.7 years in which to get results, and that amplifies order, logic, certainty.

These restrictions flow through to innovation in the form of clunky processes, unrealistic metrics and ‘innovation’ teams removed from their end-users. After all, the increasing pace of commerce and the technology time-drain of the modern office for analytical workers can cause cognitive fatigue.

It’s easier just to shut down ambiguity. But great innovation requires us to challenge assumptions; to focus on human problems rather than rush to solutions; to experiment and collaborate; to change gears and sprint when needed; and above all, to embrace positive ambiguity.

What if you could rate your innovation performance, put a programme in place to fix it, change your culture and build a business that is truly fit for the modern business era?

What if this resulted in adaptive business models, increased speed to market and genuine disruption? 

This is what Innovation Performance does.

Great innovation requires us to challenge assumptions; to focus on human problems rather than rush to solutions; to experiment & collaborate; to change gears and sprint when needed; and above all, to embrace positive ambiguity.

The majority of businesses in Australia have not created a culture of effective and sustained innovation. Over the past 2 years we have decoded the challenge and the solution to an effective innovation culture.

It’s a journey that begins with benchmarking and provides a formula for innovation success that should feel reassuringly logical for all those leaders battling with their uncertainty demons!

There are 5 key pillars of Innovation Performance…

The Innovation Performance Index measures performance against 15 critical attributes and helps organisations understand, track and strengthen the critical structural enablers that create sustainable and long term positive innovation.

How it Works

  • See how your organisation stacks up, benchmarked against other Australian organisations.

  • To enact change within your organisation today.

  • To adjust program activity to drive continuous improvement.

Find Out More

Interested in benchmarking, tracking and transforming your Innovation Performance?

To find out more about the program, or get started benchmarking your organisation against the Innovation Performance Index, register your interest below and a member of our team will be in touch with more information on how the system works and to discuss your organisations individual requirements.

How We Got Here

The Innovation Performance framework is the culmination of a 3-year research journey into the critical building blocks that create an enduring culture of innovation within organisations. A body of work which included 1,000’s of hours of desk research, in-depth interviews with a cross-section of over 50 of Australia’s most innovative organisations, as well as a comprehensive qualitative study of over 600 individuals and 6 organisations executed in partnership with the UNSW Science of Innovation Lab. 

Your Innovation Performance Index draws on the foundations of this study to provide a snapshot of the current state of play within your organisation as well as an action plan to make tangible changes and improve your Innovation Performance.


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